Slavery in an Age of Equality


In our current day most of us would say we live in a time with equal rights and opportunity for all. But do we really? When almost one out of every three black males will serve time in prison but their white counterparts having committed offenses and statistically similar rates have a greatly minimized chance of serving time. For the moment let’s focus merely on drug related offenses. Continue reading

“You Wanted To!”

When two people are caught committing the same crime, such as sex with minors, they both get punished with possible jail time.  When a man gets punished for said crime, he is a monster, a pervert, and he goes to jail.  It would probably be accompanied by a public uproar.  When an attractive young woman commits the same crime, there probably would not be the same strong reaction, or maybe there would be.  If she had some kind of celebrity status or a status close to it, the sentence would probably be lenient.  I don’t think I could say the same about the man. Continue reading

Lolita the sexually precocious child and Humbert the pedophile

Have you read the book “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov? If you haven’t, you definitely should. Lolita is the sexually precocious child that has the “luck” of being adopted by a pedophile. They are perfectly matched together for all the perverse reasons. Did Lolita’s childlike sexuality match Humbert’s adult sexuality and could Humbert’s actions be justified because of Lolita’s precocious sexuality?

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Love or Obsession? You decide.

The term love is used fairly often in our world today. But how would you distinguish love from obsession. Love is an intense feeling of affection and obsession is an intense feeling in which ones thoughts are dominated by a persistent idea or image. Basically, you are unable either way to get the subject in question off your mind. There are people who love their friends, pets, family among many other things, but where can we determine the difference with obsession. To me the idea seems to center on reciprocation, love comes both ways where obsession is generally one sided.

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Diary of a Monster

In the Vladimir Nabokov book, “Lolita”, the main character, Humbert Humbert, tells us of a love affair that he has with a young girl, or “nymphet, named Dolores Haze.   The way he writes this story makes it seem beautiful (at least, the beginning), disturbing, and perverse.  As you read this, do you feel sympathy for Humbert, or do you dismiss him as a monster?  I would say that he is a monster even with the circumstances considering his mental state.

Obviously, what is going on between Humbert and Lolita is illegal.  Not to mention that it is also considered immoral because it can be said that she is just a little girl even though she appears to be precocious with some “experience”, if you catch my drift.  Otherwise, I would argue that because she is just a little girl, she does not have much life experience.  Subjecting her to something like what Humbert did would not be right, in my opinion.  Seriously, having a man like that becoming involved with Charlotte just to be close to Lolita?  Depending on the situation, this might not be so bad, but for a pedophile, this is pretty fucked up and so is drugging her to attempt to have sex with her.

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Dreams: Don’t Worry It’s all In Your Head.

As a society we are always attracted to the unexplained and the unusual. A few examples could be aliens, ghosts, outer space, as well as our own dreams. Now what comes to mind when you hear the word dreams. Myself I can barely remember my own dreams unless I make a point of writing them down or forcing myself to remember them after I wake up. Most of the time I would rather pass of these dreams as not my own or simply as I have no idea what was going through my head, therefore assuming I had control over what my thoughts while I was unconscious.

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